Cosmetic Dermatology

Anti-Aging Treatments at Beverly Hills Dermatology

Your skin is constantly under attack. Each day you are exposed to an assault of wind, sun, cold and pollution. In addition, fatigue, emotional changes, hormonal swings and simply the passage of time can take their toll on your skin. These internal and external attacks combine to weaken your skin’s structure and appearance.

The skin’s structure deteriorates at the level of the dermis; the deeper living layer of the skin. When vital components of the dermis such as collagen fibers, elastin and hyaluronic acid become less abundant, the dermis is weakened, causing a noticeable impact on the appearance of the skin.

Much of our aging is caused by sun damage. Using ultraviolet (UV) photography you can see how the sun has damaged the skin. In the following patient photographs, the two photographs on the left in each series were taken in ordinary light and show what is visible to the naked eye. The picture on the right was taken with a UV-light camera and illustrates the amount of damage that lies beneath the surface of the skin.

Reversing many of the signs of aging is now possible with the technology of lasers, radiofrequency, light and active skin products. Here is a list of solutions to your age-related problems.

  • Titan -Tightens loose and sagging skin with Infrared Light. Titan is a comfortable procedure providing overall skin tightening and firming of the jowl and jawline.
  • Botox – Relaxes “dynamic” muscles used for frowning and negative expression. Botox  can deliver a near-instantaneous brow lift.
  • Restylane – Wrinkle fillers for fine lines to deep nasolabial grooves. Enhance the lip line and plump lips that have thinned with age. Volume creation for deflated cheek area.
  • Vbeam Laser – Removes and reduces spider veins on the leg and face
  • Photo Dynamic Therapy – Removes precancerous lesions and actinic keratoses. Helps refine skin texture and reduce pore size.
  • Active Skin Care Products

Contact Us Schedule a Consultation

SUPERIOR Beverly Hills Dermatology Clinic, Inc
435 N. Roxbury Drive
Suite 408
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Call: 310-552-3376
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